
Our company’s main focus is e-commerce for a wide variety of products. We have developed different cooperation models where we list your products on the world’s largest online platforms. Our experience in product listing optimization (pictures, keywords, search enginge optimization) is one of our strengths, offering you the highest listing for your products and subsequently higher sales.

Do you want to boost your sales? Then send us a note.

Product Development & Sourcing

In the past ten years, we have continually developed an outsourcing network of reliable manufacturers for high quality products. Our sourcing countries are primarily China and eastern Europe (mainly the Czech Republic, Slowak Republic, and Poland). Our knowledge of the local languages and local mentalities enables efficient communication, reasonable prices, and fastest possible prototype development and subsequent product supply.
Even though current online platforms make product sourcing easier nowadays, you will be surprised by the price difference if we contact the supplier directly for you.